Obamacare – The Ups and Downs

Obamacare – The Ups and Downs

Anyone who watches the news or listens to any type of talk radio has heard at least some of the uproar over Obamacare since its conception. Some people say it’s a great idea, some people say it’s socialism, and some people don’t really know what to say about it. If you tend to stick to one particular side of the aisle you probably love it […]

Kenya – Siege Comes to a Close

Kenya – Siege Comes to a Close

On Tuesday the president of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta, declared victory in finally ending the terrorist attack on an up-scale shopping mall in Nairobi that lasted four days and left 60-some dead. Those killed include civilians and Kenyan military personnel, with the same number missing in the explosion-ravaged remains of the three-floor structure. Kenyatta commented on his people’s resolve in defeating ending the crisis: We confronted […]

Starbucks and Guns

Starbucks and Guns

For those of you who haven’t been following the hubbub here’s some basic info to give you an idea as to what’s been going on with Starbucks. For starters, not everyone knows the general laws surrounding carrying firearms. Here’s some background in the subject pertinent to the story at hand: Certain states allow openly carrying firearms, others do not. In open carry states you do […]