America – Working for the Workers?

America – Working for the Workers?

Things are looking pretty bleak for some honest American workers out there these days. With the government babies still having their temper tantrum federal employees with families and bills to pay are being left in the lurch in staggering numbers. The House guaranteed the workers furloughed by this shutdown the pay they’re missing out on once things get back on track, but all of us […]



Sounds like scary times, doesn’t it? The government is undergoing a shutdown. What does that really mean, though? Well, basically one part of the government is having a fight with the other part over money so the first part is going on strike. That’s the simple explanation, but it’s more than just a bunch of politicians striking until the administration comes to an agreement with […]

Obamacare – An Addendum

Obamacare – An Addendum

For those of you who read my previous article about Obamacare, here is a brief follow-up with some points I’d also like to touch on. For those of you who didn’t read it, read it now. The idea being spoken to here is the concept of decreasing the costs of healthcare for people who are sick and who have pre-existing conditions by mandating everyone sign […]