The “Party” Party

The “Party” Party

So who’s been keeping up with the debates? Anyone? Each party has had its share of hubbub for one candidate or another, to say the least. It seems like election season starts earlier and earlier every year – almost like the holidays. The two times seem to have more in common than just that, I’d think. The planning, the promises, the avarice, and the disappointment. […]

Protected: Are You Offended?

Protected: Are You Offended?

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Customer Service

Customer Service

I’m sure we’ve all worked a job in customer service or retail at some point during our ascensions to the top. Pretty much entry-level stuff suitable for someone on break from school, picking up extra money while in school, or retired but still wanting to keep busy. None of these positions, save for upper-management in retail companies, offer wages that can sustain a comfortable lifestyle […]