New Website Design

Companies and brands always take on new looks from time to time. What makes writers and their websites different? Not a lot. Everyone’s always looking for the next best thing. People are crazy about anything new and improved. Just like any company, a blogger is selling something. Their products are ideas; thoughts; opinions. Like any other product they need to come in sleek, new packaging in order to catch the consumer’s eye. I’ve never been one to flock to any and all things modern, but when it comes to the web we’re all held to a high standard. There are so many news and blog sites out there. Writers like myself have a lot of competition. So, I have to keep up with times when it comes to the latest designs.
Now then, without further ado, I usher in the new You’re already looking at it as you read this – maybe that makes things anti-climactic. Nonetheless, here it is.

Still holding on to the original logo – for now.