I’m Still Here, Folks

That’s right, friends – your gracious host is still here.
I just wanted to post briefly to let everyone know that I’m not in the trunk of a car in the middle of a field somewhere or at the bottom of a river in cement boots. Not to worry, dear fans. I’ve just been taking some time off from blogging to focus on some other business endeavors here and there. I’ve been making some personal career changes lately and I’ve also been working on a couple of websites and recording and design projects. One of which is putting together a modest website for my father, Mike Kuvinka, to publish some of his original music that he and I have been in the process of recording. If you’re into that sort of thing be sure to check it out at MikeKuvinka.com.

Your favorite site.
All of the above having been established, I’m sure everyone can understand my lack of energy for dissecting the news and current events and blowing gaskets daily about society. However, I’m in the process of adding more media to your favorite site (this one, of course). Very soon you’ll be able to check out my “Media” page to hear some of my piano compositions from my two albums of yesteryear. I realize that my headline, featuring the title of musician, isn’t really lived up to aside from the couple of music related articles I’ve posted under the “Arts” catagory (check them out here), so I’m going to try and rebuild a web presence for my music.
Aside from my creative projects I’m currently taking a month off from working every day so I can focus on my other work and get some rest and relaxation. I’ll be smoking plenty of good cigars, having some tasty libations, and catching up on some reading here and there. In the meantime, browse through some of my posts to revisit some previous laughs and entertainment. There’ll be more to come soon, so ya’ll come back now.