Viral America: Where Everything’s a Meme

Viral America: Where Everything’s a Meme

Is it me, or has America as a whole gone viral? When something new and different reaches the public anymore there seem to be no moderate responses. These topics are met with total hatred or rabid obsession. Either way, social media erupts into a frenzy. Donald Trump and Pokémon GO are two examples that come to mind. Despite not being drooled over by the same groups of people, the […]

Europe vs. America – Policy and Persona

Europe vs. America – Policy and Persona

The left does more often, but many suggest looking to Europe for inspiration regarding some big issues these days. Concerns like healthcare, education, the corrections process – they’re all looked at differently in Europe. Most of the time the right just calls it all socialism or communism. I’m not looking to get into a huge breakdown of every aspect of those isms. Nor do I plan on […]

Changing Political Parties – Why Now?

Changing Political Parties – Why Now?

It seems like a lot of people are changing their political affiliations lately. Either they’re changing their party to vote in a different primary, or they’re just calling themselves something different. Either way, it leaves us questioning. What’s the cause for so much change? I’ve personally known people who have been liberal for many years yet now support Trump. On the other hand, people have been […]