The American IQ

The American IQ

It’s another one of those seemingly cynical  ideas that have become increasingly discussed these days – the idea that Americans are “getting dumber”. We hear it from family members, coworkers; see it in movies, on TV. Some people look at the notion like a simple punchline or topic for a comedy movie, and others take it a little more seriously. But when it comes down […]



It seems like these days everywhere you look there is some kind of advertisement for something, doesn’t it? Network TV is filled with commercials, billboards are everywhere along the highways, flashing lights, tacky logos plastered all over clothing. It’s pretty hard to escape it. And the whole point of it all is to try and get you to buy something. It’s not a tough concept, […]

Puccini’s Turandot

Puccini’s Turandot

Turandot is truly a masterful work and should be, I’d say, on the list of favorites of any opera fan. This piece, as well as any full opera, would be best suited for someone who is versed in classical and opera pretty well already. Otherwise, some of the slower scenes may get a little disinteresting, especially if the listener isn’t familiar with the libretto or […]