Minimum Wage

Minimum Wage

The minimum wage is up for revision in a lot of places and some are calling for the federal standard to be raised as well. It makes sense that someone’s pay should be proportionate to the difficulty and necessity of their work, but it’s also true that it should keep up with inflation. The federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour, though many cities and states […]

Get Smart – A Look at Education

Get Smart – A Look at Education

Learning as a cognitive process is something that starts at birth and continues throughout our entire lives. We do it whether we really want to or not. We pick up little pieces of information every minute of every day that culminates in defining our personality. What we know and the opinions we’ve come to hold based on our intake of limitless new information is what […]

Social Programs

Social Programs

People are seeming to think that “socialism” is a dirty word more and more as of late. With the Affordable Care Act in place now and with a presidential candidate who is a self-avowed socialist, people are increasingly aware of the concept. But what about the social programs we already have in place? A lot of people don’t think about it, but when they complain about socialism […]