Accountability in Life

Accountability in Life

Is it just me, or does it seem like people’s sense of accountability is fleeting these days? This probably sounds like an odd topic, but it’s something I’ve been pondering. Accountability is one of those things your boss probably tells you about. There’s probably a motivational poster regarding it in your office somewhere too. I’m not just talking about accountability from a work standpoint, but […]

Dumb to Be Smart

Dumb to Be Smart

Anymore doesn’t it seem like it’s almost dumb to be smart in the public’s eye? Intellectualism isn’t as revered as it once was and in the realms of entertainment and even politics it seems like it’s cool to be glib (and just flat-out dumb in some cases). So who’s to blame? What’s the scope of this overwhelmingly stupid public persona we’re developing as a nation? Shouldn’t we want […]

The American IQ

The American IQ

It’s another one of those seemingly cynical  ideas that have become increasingly discussed these days – the idea that Americans are “getting dumber”. We hear it from family members, coworkers; see it in movies, on TV. Some people look at the notion like a simple punchline or topic for a comedy movie, and others take it a little more seriously. But when it comes down […]