PC in the US of A

PC in the US of A

A lot of people have been voicing disdain for overt political correctness in the US recently. In fact, being PC hasn’t really been PC for a while now. But can being politically correct at all times eventually go too far? If so, what happens then? It’d probably be easiest to try and pick a specific example of an issue or a topic these days over […]

Correction or In-Correction?

Correction or In-Correction?

The correction system is among many systems in America that fall under some pretty heavy scrutiny. The correctional process, however, doesn’t begin in prison. It enters the game much earlier, and in less direct ways, affecting people’s likelihood or even ability to avoid breaking the law. The laws as they exist today are a different story all together, so whether or not people who end […]

Get Smart – A Look at Education

Get Smart – A Look at Education

Learning as a cognitive process is something that starts at birth and continues throughout our entire lives. We do it whether we really want to or not. We pick up little pieces of information every minute of every day that culminates in defining our personality. What we know and the opinions we’ve come to hold based on our intake of limitless new information is what […]